Saturday, August 29, 2009

Damn IT!!!

Why the ticket so fast sold out..
I don't know how to go back to college..
I bought the ticket to pudu already..
But i don't know how to go back from pudu to college..
Browsing through the Internet but still can't find out the way..

Day 2 and day 3..

Wednesday and Thursday,I finished my task to do personal CAS at hospital Putra.Still,both of the two days were great but a bit boring.I had been given the chance to see how the doctor,Dr....(cnt remember)conduct colonoscopy.Colonoscopy is the endoscopic examination of the large colon and the distal part of the small bowel with a CCD camera or a fibre optic camera on a flexible tube passed through the anus.Erm..actually i was quite shy at first as the patient was aguy.Come on,first time see other guy butt other than my brother's butt.I guess that time my face was blushing^^.The doctor put in the tube into his butt.Instead of the patient feeling pain,i sendiri like rasa the pain.=pThen after a while,watched endoscopy.But is another patient la.The doctor wanted to examine stomach and duodenum of the patient.I looked at the screen and can see how does our internal body look like.Just lik a journey into the body.Haha..Other than that,i helped a woman change clothes.What else,free show.I can see her whole body.Again,a bit shy.Huh..the nurse look like ok only.Maybe they get used to it already.luckily i'm not a future-doctor to-be,if not..(don't know how)At the end of the hospital attachment,the director of that hospital gave us small plastic with presents inside.Luckily is not CASh,orelse i need to forget about CAS.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hospital Attachment-Day 1^^

Today as early as 8.15,i waited for Faiq to fetch me to Hospital Putra.Today I m going to do my first social work at there.Then i headed to my department,surgical 1.The sister brought me around that department.She told me about the doctors there,the patient and the ward there.Erm,quite a lot of information she gave,but yalah,early in the morning,i'm not in my best condition.Still half asleep how to remember all.hahaha..Then,I followed the nurse and trainee there.First of all,visit the patient.Dr.Selvam was talking to the patient who had just undergoes operation.He asked what is good carbohydrate.Rice witout excess intake.And never ever take too much flour.
Other than this I met with 2 trainee from Windfield college,marcilla and jenny.There are damn nice.They taught me how to measure temperature,pulse and blood pressure.Then I also learn from one nurse how to take ECG.

What is ECG?Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG) is a transthoracic interpretation of the electrical activity of the heart over timecaptured and externally recorded by skin electrodes.I helped the nurse.First of all naked the patient.Hahaha..Yup,my first time doing this.A bit shy at first but i didn't showing it till so obvious la.Then put the things at the correct point after applying some cream on the parts that going to be connect.Then press and play with the machine.Now can see the heartbeat.But the nurse say we not need to interpret it,doctors will do it.

Other than this,I also watched the nurse wash the wound of the patient.Oh my goodness.The wound damn geli.You can see the flesh,it is like..yuckss..Luckily I'm not dictor.But i like to watch it after a few minutes.There alot of things to apply on the wound.Actually me not really know all the medicine but anyway it was nice.

Besides these,i also had the chances to watch a new born baby.He was a chinese bay.3 . sumthing kilogrammme.So cute.he had been given oxygen using the tubing.Then after that it was so bored already.After 12,we mostly like did nothung but just simply walked around.

Anyway today was an adventure for me.For the first went to hospital and being misunderstood as the doctor.Feel great but also embrassed when got patient asked me something and i don't know how to answer.In the end when i telling them i'm student and not doctor,they like"ohh"..something like cheh feeling like that..Ohh my goodness..All blame the formal clothes fault.I had no choice to wear it and i did really have the doctor's style.Not to praise myself but really i did.hahaha..

Then went back home after having short talk with the matron.Faiq again send me back and on the way back i met marvin.So coincidence.Hahaha.

Tommorrow going again.Hope tommorrow there are more things to explore and experience.

Great-tiring-Time really flies!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Weird feeling..

Hardly to express this feeling
am I demanding a lot
Or being influence by surrounding
I don't know
Seaching and searching
There is no way for me
Till tired
Why people can easily get yet that hard for me
Does me lack of communiciation
Waiting is torturing...

24th August 2009

Early in the morning i already woke up.After clean myself,I headed towards Putra hospital.Today gt simply briefing bout our attachment activity in that hospital.Me were the first to reach thre.Then pn.noraini,person in charge there show some slide show after we introducing ourselves.Me was referred to bakal-bakal dr.In reality I am studying dentist.But i didn't clarify that point.Anyway dentist also doctor what.Then tommorrow I am going to help at surgical 1,gynaenology department.Quite eager to go but feel useless as i reali duno what i can do there.Will I invite more troubles.Hope everything went fine Tommorrow.

Evening.I went to mbo watched ophan.a horror movie.Not reali horror but the way that the woman killed people damn sucks.My goodness.I am thinking are this human?When there with huiwon,jasmine and their friends.

Night.Went to play badminton.Actuali not reali play till sweat alot as i do at college.Anyway it is fun n jas is funny.Keep on laughing duno about wat..haiz..hahaha..Then went to hai kee eat.

Today i realize i am lu chi.I duno whre is hai kee,whre is the badminton court sampai alwiz asked people.Waste my phone money lo keep on making call..haiz..blame myself.

it is late now,but still want update something for my memory.time flies,memory do fades.Hope this online diary will keep on making my memory alive just like the poem sonnet 18.

Tiring-Xin dong-happi-

last Friday...

Last friday..last day of my sch days and first day of my mid sem holiday...
I went back home..As usual,the journey back home was tiring and expensive..
This time luckily some of the MPP from college organised some bus services to transit students to puduraya.RM12 per person..I boarded the bus around 3pm.I met with one senior jing theng who was also going to pudu.Orelse I duno want to sit with who.The whole bus was malay students.Another two bp friends who also going bec take another bus.My bus reached pudu fst.Then alone i walked around the counter there searching for tickets back to bp.Damn shit that day.All the buses were full.No more KKKL.others also full.And that day damn many ppl.One of the promoter thre even make a lame joke.
"Nak pergi mana amoi?""Batu pahat".."Berapa orang?"..while me just wanted to reply,then he say again.."kalau satu bolehlah"..i was like woww..still got tickets..then"i hantar ngan motor"..whatla..stupid promoter make lame joke..then 4 my friends to come coz i cant decide whether wan take bus to yongpeng o nt..Luckily Edmund decided to take the bus.RM31 beb..super damn qiao zha ppl money.Last time bus terus go bp only RM20.60,nw just reached yongpeng nia already Rm31.a total different of rm 10.40.Cheat ppl money.I am students ok.My allowance not much k..after spending on the bus tickets forth and back already burn a hole in my pockets.whatla..And the service damn bad.Say that the bus is now.Then wait for 1 and 1/2 hours only reali start the journey.Somemore ask ppl move in and out.Down and up.STUPID.NOT WORTH AT ALL.Luckily this time my luggage is small.Orelse i die..How wish i am gt a kind ppl that willing to take my luggage and accompany me back home.Then i wont feel lonely anymore.Wandering around the pudu at first quite scary.What if suddenly kena culik..choi..touchwood....btw..avtime when pudu sure met ppl.last time met with doris and siryee,this time met with serene and yiwei.Finally,reached yongpeng..edmund so kind that he willing to send me home.My parents not free as my sisters are sick.Thay took them to buy medicine.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Today i met with Pn.Mary!! xue lai chao..wanted to help my mum shopping at k4..
After fetching my sisters,me terus headed to k4..
Suddenly see one familiar..
When she turn goodness..
Is my good biology form 4 teacher..
Huh..i miss her so much..
Talking with her 4 a while..
She recover already after the operation..
But her face still look like a little bit pale..
Telling her my latest update..
Got boyfriend o at whre..wat course..
n everything..
Including the whole gang of sss..
Asking whre xinying,joanne n bla bla bla..
And me..of course willing to report everything..haha..
Chat chat chat..until she say she need to make a fast shopping coz she needed to fetch her daughter at Ai Chun..
Indian gal study chinese also duno chinese.. as chinese ppl..=(
She say she mostly probably will start teaching again next year..
Hopefully she recover fully..
And thank you too for offering help to me..
Nice to meet you..teacher^^

Nice day^^

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Time never wait... 9 days holiday gone already..
9 days..y 9 days like 1 day..
I did nothing during this sudden surprising holiday..
Due to dreadful H1N1..
my college dicutikan 1 week..
Luckily me nt demam..if not..diela..
2 more days..
My homeworks only finish one..
My goodness..there is lotsa more homeworks..
Hope i can finish all of them before due date..
Finger crossed...