Friday, June 19, 2009

Hanging out wiTh my SsS frenz=Gud Gud frenz^^

Happy and Tired day..
A day that i went out so long ever since these few months..
And driving car for so long..haha..

First..go out photocopy some documents,then when to post office buy stamp..
3 stamps=RM30..
Then go buy KFC..coz of promise to my dear cute last time seni tc..Pn.Masnah^^

Second bout 12.30pm..go sch..find pengetua..damm shit..she gone bec already..
for the second time just as last time when i need her to sign my agreement..she is not thre..

Then go fetch chew ling..almost when sch,chew ling say 4get take phone..go bec her house again and take phone..Go sch again..still pengetua nt there..alamak..the kerani say need wait till 2+pm lik v decided to go square 1..Chew ling wan buy bros de bottles..after that go wanted to buy smal smal basket ..and i had bought a yellow one..

Next we headed to moli..
Me(lebar kayu d)can parking car into the box nicely wor..!!park vertically..geng le..haha..thanks chew ling for her help..^^Soon,shu han and sabrina came followed by huiwon..chit-chating awhile,gossiping..+ many more..noe la..they all r auntie(no offended )..hahhaha..

Still gt sumore..we when back to gai gai at square 1 again..again go to see bottles..hui won also wanted to buy..but in the end none of them buy coz none of the bottles make them 'sun yan' cerewet..hahhaha

Then...the most great thing..I 'm fetching them to summit o..they all la..kept said wanted to sit my me bobian la..c so wei vy first time fetching friends....AND..they all kept talking this and that..OPEN SIGNAL..GT PPL..WAHH U DRIVE LIK TAT AR..EHH GT CAR..Y U SIT SO FRONT..UR MIROR NOT OK..and BLA BLA BLA..they even help me to look at side mirror.....but they are funny lo^^..and when want pay 4 parking d the steep d road..haha..better dun malu^^.

Go summit..walk here walk there ..go eat at kk and c dao one shuai ge where five of us dou agree that tat guy really handsome..hahaha^^

Whole day..I'm busy..+ little bit tired..anyway I'm quite happy..wondering next time will I still can always like today..for I'm always the one that absent went avbody going out gai-gai..^^

Finally reached home around 8pm^^


  1. wakaka...the commentsss when u r driving de is damn funny la...think dao also laugh til wna pengzz....

  2. u all la..make the funny things..haha

  3. im de most quiet among u al hor~
    u al r auntiess ecep me^^

  4. we all r aunties ma...but u r lao ah ma ma....dun u noe tat u look more old than us???...keep nag us...
