Thursday, February 4, 2010

29th January 2010..Friday..time 6.30 pm to 10.30pm

Wow..amazing..amazing and damn fun..
First time I receive proper training from a coach..I never thought basketball would such a fun first I learn how to laid up.around the semicircle,if you are from left,using left hand to dribble the ball,and start with left legs and end up with a nice jump also your left and throw..huh…goalll..hahaha..but mostly the ball being disobedient..dont wish to masuk the ring..erm..must control the ball well..
Secondly,I learned how to dribble zig-zag around con and the laid up..left..right..left ..right..when the coach demo for seem to be such a easy stuff..he even can do without looking at the ball..erm..yala..after all he is the coach right..^^just to comfort myself..every time managed to score a goal,the satisfaction come.Although method could be wrong,but I promised myself to try..there is no failure to life..all those mis-score are just experiment or trial to success.Without hard train,I bet I wouldn’t enjoy much.
Next..the most interesting come the stake player of zek.The first thing she asked us to do is will be running like a crab around the court in zig-zag pattern.herm..This movement is indeed very very tiring.I also couldn’t get it.But I telling myself,other people can,why you can.after that learning how to dribble while running.When you dribble to the left using left hand.oh gosh.It is so hard to dibble with left hand.but luckily this dribble I still able to pass.there is a teammate that unable to differentiate which hand and which direction gto go.Here come the coach say “I will be giving you all two minutes to teach her dribble.If she unable to accomplish the task then I will make you all run around the court and push-up”.What else,Miss president try her best to teach her while we all cheering for her.Finally no more run,she pass^^

Now come to my turn.The next training is to throw the ball up the air and the ball should spin when you throw and finally will fall back on your hand parallel.oh my god,I know I not able to do this.I had been trying many times already in the college.How?? “I will give you all 1 minute to teach her throw the ball”the coach said.Oh..shit!!If I unable to throw the ball correctly up the air 5 times,they will be punished to push-up 20 times. And the worst come to worst that I wont be punished and I will be watching them being punished.So mean.I tried my best.Hold the ball at correct way.Put the ball right beside your face.bend your knee.raise your hand vertical up and relaxingly throw the ball up the air.1..2..3..4..and the fifth times.yeahh!!pass!!but I knew the coach are so nice.I know my fifth throw not correct as my fall ball backwards.But she just nodded.Erm..good..Thank god she save me from being scolded by other teammate.
Then we learn how to throw and to shoot.the training end at 10.20pm.After cooling down,we thanked her for whatever we gained today and I really felt so happy.she asked us to practice more at college and the most important things is team spirit.The key to win the game depend on the weakest player..we like har???When we think back,yup it is indeed true.Of course when everyone participate in game,all the players are professional,thus if either one of the team member all bad,then she will be the reason or the key to win the game brcause all will depend on her already.Overall,it is a quite tired practice and I am damn hungry because I didn’t had my dinner.Reached the college I having my supper.Gosh..gonna gain weight!

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