Friday, April 16, 2010

Meaningless Research!!

It is 6.00am now.Surprisingly I'm still awake at this hour.I should had better go to sleep just now.After a night of research,I couldn't get what I want.WTH.It is all about my Extended Essay.I am so happy initially,which I think,I think that I almost can come out with my research question and my proposal.It is all about comparing the newspaper in our country.I 'm so enthusiasm in this topic but unfortunately end up to realize that the newspaper that I had chosen now longer in that format.All the English newspaper had change format from broadsheet to tabloid.Waste my effort and time.Argg...So now have to do research again.Why so hard to do?I suppose linguistic research should be very easy!!Huh..Tension..
My thought that college life would be carefree is totally wrong.Life here had been so busy that you don't think that you have 24 hours per day.Your night is so short.With a pile of assignments , presentation ,quizes, examination,cas,meeting and briefing need to do,and yet it doesn't promise a secure place in UK!!wth..Just attended placement briefing today.Counselor told us that there is tight and strong competition among ourselves especially for dentistry students as UK university only accept 1 or 2 students per uni for international students.Oh my goodness!!Imagine that!!There is already 8 dentistry students here,not yet include other students from other private college.That also only from Malaysia.How about other applicants from
other countries??No placement=end of scholarship.=(
Now,one more thing to worry,about personal statement and mock interview.A unique and outstanding personal statement with fluent and good English proficiency!Life going to be hard.
No more procrastination ,no more wasting more facebooking.Going to start prepare for semester 2 examination and my EE!!I belive in 45!!!

1 comment:

  1. jia you!!!! u sure can do it....
    i believe u can!!
    dun too stress n dun think too much...
