Saturday, August 14, 2010


Coffee has become a necessary beverage in my days in KMB.Each day,yes almost everyday I yearn for coffee,I drink coffee and essentially become part of my daily requirement.When I told my classmates and friends about this,they said "oh my god,you have to drink coffee everyday?That is not good for health!"This has been bothering me.My desire and eagerness to have a cup of hot,tasty coffee going stronger and stronger everyday.The feeling of the drinks going down my throat and into my stomach is so exciting and refreshing.Addicted,am I??

To my horror,my teeth are getting more yellowish.How I am going to set a good example for my patients in the future.I like my teeth because they are minute and cute,but then they are yellow now.One of the sole reason for this is drinking a lot of coffee which eventually stain the teeth.To clear my doubt regarding this issue,I am so surprise that my finding turn out to be the other way round.

Coffee actually can...

1. Stimulating your brain.Coffee contain caffeine which can stimulate our brain to think and work faster.

2.Coffee can help us to aviod migraine problems.Whoever has migraine problem,coffee can help to reduce the occurance of this cureless problem.

3.You will feel more energetic and happy after having a cup of coffee.

4. Coffee can avoid from osteoporosis, heart attack, diabetes and cancer.
wowww..This facts really surprise me!Coffee can prevent diabetes?Unbelievable.

However,coffee is also not without it side effects too.

It will make someone addicted to it,and seem like a day without coffee,you will feel listless.Besides,for those who has high blood pressure,it is advisable not to drink coffe as coffee will raise your high blood pressure.Whereas for women,coffee can affect fertility.

After all,coffee is not that bad for health.The key here is moderation when drinking it.


  1. haha...i have the same prob...cant do without coffee..but all depends on wat brands of coffee u drink...those 3in1 coffeemix contain lots of sugar..i think the best is stil the traditional one..they say coffee can prevent female from getting breast cancer...xDD

  2. omg u finally updated ur blog! we all loveeeee coffee aren't we?

  3. hw:die liao wonder i grow fat..i drank 3 in 1 all this while!yes..the aroma of traditional one is so much better.but then quite troublesome to make.Prevent breast cancer??woww..that make me feel more encourage to continue drinking..hahahha..=)

    sc:yesss..hahaa..finally i update my blog.Yup,we all love coffee,or perhaps coffee love us that keep on hunt on us..heheee..=)

  4. haha...u never think of diabetes?? though it can prevent breast cancer doesnt mean don have side chew say everything should use/eat in moderation..too much of anything wil bring harm...xDDDD
