Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day 2 and day 3..

Wednesday and Thursday,I finished my task to do personal CAS at hospital Putra.Still,both of the two days were great but a bit boring.I had been given the chance to see how the doctor,Dr....(cnt remember)conduct colonoscopy.Colonoscopy is the endoscopic examination of the large colon and the distal part of the small bowel with a CCD camera or a fibre optic camera on a flexible tube passed through the anus.Erm..actually i was quite shy at first as the patient was aguy.Come on,first time see other guy butt other than my brother's butt.I guess that time my face was blushing^^.The doctor put in the tube into his butt.Instead of the patient feeling pain,i sendiri like rasa the pain.=pThen after a while,watched endoscopy.But is another patient la.The doctor wanted to examine stomach and duodenum of the patient.I looked at the screen and can see how does our internal body look like.Just lik a journey into the body.Haha..Other than that,i helped a woman change clothes.What else,free show.I can see her whole body.Again,a bit shy.Huh..the nurse look like ok only.Maybe they get used to it already.luckily i'm not a future-doctor to-be,if not..(don't know how)At the end of the hospital attachment,the director of that hospital gave us small plastic with presents inside.Luckily is not CASh,orelse i need to forget about CAS.

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