Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hospital Attachment-Day 1^^

Today as early as 8.15,i waited for Faiq to fetch me to Hospital Putra.Today I m going to do my first social work at there.Then i headed to my department,surgical 1.The sister brought me around that department.She told me about the doctors there,the patient and the ward there.Erm,quite a lot of information she gave,but yalah,early in the morning,i'm not in my best condition.Still half asleep how to remember all.hahaha..Then,I followed the nurse and trainee there.First of all,visit the patient.Dr.Selvam was talking to the patient who had just undergoes operation.He asked what is good carbohydrate.Rice witout excess intake.And never ever take too much flour.
Other than this I met with 2 trainee from Windfield college,marcilla and jenny.There are damn nice.They taught me how to measure temperature,pulse and blood pressure.Then I also learn from one nurse how to take ECG.

What is ECG?Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG) is a transthoracic interpretation of the electrical activity of the heart over timecaptured and externally recorded by skin electrodes.I helped the nurse.First of all naked the patient.Hahaha..Yup,my first time doing this.A bit shy at first but i didn't showing it till so obvious la.Then put the things at the correct point after applying some cream on the parts that going to be connect.Then press and play with the machine.Now can see the heartbeat.But the nurse say we not need to interpret it,doctors will do it.

Other than this,I also watched the nurse wash the wound of the patient.Oh my goodness.The wound damn geli.You can see the flesh,it is like..yuckss..Luckily I'm not dictor.But i like to watch it after a few minutes.There alot of things to apply on the wound.Actually me not really know all the medicine but anyway it was nice.

Besides these,i also had the chances to watch a new born baby.He was a chinese bay.3 . sumthing kilogrammme.So cute.he had been given oxygen using the tubing.Then after that it was so bored already.After 12,we mostly like did nothung but just simply walked around.

Anyway today was an adventure for me.For the first went to hospital and being misunderstood as the doctor.Feel great but also embrassed when got patient asked me something and i don't know how to answer.In the end when i telling them i'm student and not doctor,they like"ohh"..something like cheh feeling like that..Ohh my goodness..All blame the formal clothes fault.I had no choice to wear it and i did really have the doctor's style.Not to praise myself but really i did.hahaha..

Then went back home after having short talk with the matron.Faiq again send me back and on the way back i met marvin.So coincidence.Hahaha.

Tommorrow going again.Hope tommorrow there are more things to explore and experience.

Great-tiring-Time really flies!!

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