Friday, June 26, 2009

kolEj maRa bantinG

23rd june 2009..i already in KMB..
first impression..OMG..horrible..
the facilities are bad and yet the rules there are so strict..
Come on..what type of college..
Haiz..just lik what had said in the recom..
the room is so small n the rice is hard..
but anyway i get 6 meals per day..
it is a lot..the food still acceptable la..haha
only 50+ NON-BUMIPUTERA (meaning not only chinese)in here...
but i met some of the girls..quite good and nice..
but mostly speaking english..
i had no choice but to speak english too..
although they are chinese but mostly can understand chinese but to speak..
i will be so difficult for them..haha..
they are nice anyway....
orientation week..very busy..need to wake up at early in the morning for the roll call..
but then can go back sleep..haha..but me n my roomate miss the breakfast..
when v wake up it was already 7+ in the morning and v terus go for another roll-call again.. roomate is a good indian girl..n have to speak english again lo to communicate with her..^^
I'm going to learn 7 subjects..where 6 subjects will be taken into account for IB marks.. total will contribute to 42 marks
+CAS(extra cocuriculum activities)+TOK(theory of knowledge)+EE(extended Essay) 3 marks..

so overall 45 marks..i need to get 38 marks and above in order to pass Jpa minimum requirement and if i want to get to top universities in UK..i will have to score more than 38..42 senior get 45 marks wor..haha..

That all...the end..^^


  1. dun come back become black black...hahaha..u giv up breakfast jus to slep more few minutes? more lik u..dun eat all the 6meals la..ltr u come back as big pig jiu chamz arh...u got to take so many subject ar??? seems lik vy hard...anywaygood luck n all the best!!

  2. yaya i take so many subjects..all in eng except bm lo..look lik so la..i wont fat fat come back d..haha..thank yarh.. u too..
